PoshUI Components

Danger Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Danger Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Danger Alert

Info Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Info Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Info Alert

Primary Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Primary Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Primary Alert

Secondary Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Secondary Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Secondary Alert

Success Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Success Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Success Alert

Warning Alert

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Warning Alert
Hey!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Warning Alert


undraw female avatar svg spider man jpg black panther jpg iron man jpg undraw male avatar svg

Different Sized Avatars

undraw female avatar svg spider man jpg black panther jpg iron man jpg undraw male avatar svg

Badge on Icons

Badge on Avatars

undraw female avatar svg
spider man jpg
undraw male avatar svg

Filled Primary Buttons

Outlined Primary Buttons

Link Button

Icon Button

Floating Button

Horizontal Text Card

captain america jpg

Captain America

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Vertical Item Card

hulk bobblehead jpg

Hulk Bobblehead

Elegant Lifestyle Super Hero Incredible Hulk Action Figure Limited Edition, Marvel Comics Character

Text Overlay Card

You can hover to see overlay transition

eternals final trailer jpg Play
marvel entertainment jpg

Marvel Studios' Eternals | Final Trailer

Marvel Entertainment

Dismiss Card with Shadow

Marvel Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Round Image

unsplash do something great jpg unsplash stanlee jpg

Square Image

unsplash stanlee jpg unsplash do something great jpg

Responsive Image

Resize your browser window, to see its responsiveness.

unsplash stanlee jpg

Text area

Form Input

Error Form Input

Enter correct Email and Password

Two Columns Grid

Grid Item One
Grid Item Two

Two Rows Grid

Grid Item One
Grid Item Two

Three Columns Grid

Grid Item One
Grid Item Two
Grid Item Three

Three Rows Grid

Grid Item One
Grid Item Two
Grid Item Three

Ordered List

  1. List Item One
  2. List Item Two
  3. List Item Three
  1. List Item One
  2. List Item Two
  3. List Item Three
  1. List Item One
  2. List Item Two
  3. List Item Three
  1. List Item One
  2. List Item Two
  3. List Item Three

Unordered List

Category Checkbox List

Price Radio List

Notification Stacked List


Modal Demo

Desktop Variation One

Mobile Variation One

You can resize the browser width to see the hamburger in action

Filled Rating

Live Rating


Notification Toast

Notification from Posh UI

Hey! Now you can design your project faster and better with Posh UI

Notification Toast Demo

Notification from Posh UI

Hey! Now you can design your project faster and better with Posh UI

Stacked Notification Toast Demo

Tooltip Left

You can hover to see tooltip in action

Tooltip Right

You can hover to see tooltip in action


Hey!πŸ‘‹ I am Left Aligned πŸ˜€

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I am Center Aligned πŸ˜€

Hey!πŸ‘‹ I am Right Aligned πŸ˜€


Extra Small Posh UI

Small Posh UI

Medium Posh UI

Large Posh UI

Extra Large Posh UI

Extra Extra Large Posh UI


h1. Posh UI heading

h2. Posh UI heading

h3. Posh UI heading

h4. Posh UI heading

h5. Posh UI heading
h6. Posh UI heading

Inline text elements

I am the small text😐

They colored me πŸ˜” in gray

You can see the text-decoration:overline

You can see the text-decoration: line-through

You can see the text-decoration: underline


background: var(--COLOR-ADD-CART)

background: var(--COLOR-ADD-CARD-DARK)

background: var(--COLOR-AMBER-500)

background: var(--COLOR-LIME-200)

background: var(--COLOR-LIME-500)

background: var(--COLOR-RED-50)

background: var(--COLOR-RED-500)

background: var(--COLOR-SLATE-50)

background: var(--COLOR-SLATE-400)

background: var(--COLOR-STONE)

background: var(--COLOR-WHITE);

Hover to see background: var(--COLOR-ADD-CART-DARK)

Hover to see background: var(--COLOR-RED-500)

Hover to see background: var(--COLOR-SLATE-300)



Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-AMBER-200 #fde68a
--COLOR-AMBER-400 #fbbf24
--COLOR-AMBER-500 #f59e0b
--COLOR-AMBER-600 #d97706


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-BLUE-50 #eff6ff
--COLOR-BLUE-300 #93c5fd
--COLOR-BLUE-500 #3b82f6
--COLOR-BLUE-800 #1e40af


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-CYAN-50 #ecfeff
--COLOR-CYAN-200 #a5f3fc
--COLOR-CYAN-500 #06b6d4
--COLOR-CYAN-600 #0891b2

Glossy Blue

Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-GLOSSY-BLUE-100 #cfdef9
--COLOR-GLOSSY-BLUE-500 #0d5be1
--COLOR-GLOSSY-BLUE-700 #0a49b4


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-GRAY-500 #6b7280


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-LIME-200 #d9f99d
--COLOR-LIME-500 #84cc16
--COLOR-LIME-600 #65a30d


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-OVERLAY rgba(51, 65, 85, 0.5)


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-RED-50 #fadddd
--COLOR-RED-200 #fecaca
--COLOR-RED-500 #ef4444
--COLOR-RED-600 #dc2626

Shadow Light

Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-SHADOW-LIGHT rgba(149, 157, 165, 0.2)


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-SLATE-50 #f8fafc
--COLOR-SLATE-300 #cbd5e1
--COLOR-SLATE-400 #94a3b8
--COLOR-SLATE-500 #64748b
--COLOR-SLATE-600 #475569
--COLOR-SLATE-700 #334155
--COLOR-SLATE-800 #1e293b


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-STONE-50 #454444


Variable Name Variable Value Color


Variable Name Variable Value Color
--COLOR-YELLOW #ffd814
--COLOR-YELLOW-600 #f4cf13

Font Size

font-size: 1.2rem

font-size: 1.5rem

font-size: 1.6rem

font-size: 1.7rem

font-size: 2rem

font-size: 3rem

Font Weight

font-weight: 100

font-weight: 200

font-weight: 300

font-weight: 400

font-weight: 500

font-weight: 600

font-weight: 700

font-weight: 800

font-weight: 900

font-weight: bold

font-weight: bolder

font-weight: lighter

font-weight: normal

Text Color

color: var(--COLOR-GRAY-500)

color: var(--COLOR-LIME-500)

color: var(--COLOR-LIME-600)

color: var(--COLOR-RED-500)

color: var(--COLOR-SLATE-600)

color: var(--COLOR-SLATE-800)

Hover to See the Color